Sitemap - 2023 - At the Other Keyboard

On talking into microphones and being perceived

Panic practicing

All my (stress) dreams are coming true

I met a five-year-old with the most exquisite taste

The consequences of pitching and the pantheon of musical breakdowns

How falling in love led to the worst arts and crafts project

Florence Price sneak peek

Stop posting that Leonard Bernstein quote

On listening to myself, and the Geographical Fugue

Talent isn't special

More recording thoughts

On love, death, and Joe Hisaishi (also the habanera)

Very specific problems and solutions

The small practicing creature, Libertango, and sexiness fails

All of the dream, how does it mean

From Beethovenian assholery to Romeo and Juliet basicness

John Williams, summer vibes, and gluttony

Food, reading, and music (what else do you need)

Boston trip recap and concerto performance clips

The secret recording of the full concerto

Stop! Cadenza time

The countdown begins (and a gear epiphany)

Concerto thoughts, performance prep, and Romanticism

Classical music marketing and hell (not related)

Take 1

What's in my bag: recording edition

Thoughts on the orgasm thing and music school failings

Philosophical thoughts about the piano, rhythm, and C Major

Panic and my favorite playlist

A literal banger

Soreness & Salonpas, Herbie Hancock, and a new numbers obsession

Insecurity and emotional baggage

A Felix and Fanny discovery, my personal nightmare, and Ted Lasso's spiritual heir

Fall Out Boy mondegreens, Beethoven, and a Succession soundtrack theory

Mel Bonis, reading about food, and an interview gone awry

Chicago recap, Everything Everywhere, and studying abroad

Cadenza fun

Stuff I did and more Brahms thoughts

Florence and Fanny

Recording, Rachmaninoff, and songs of obsession

Brahms trauma, New York the enemy, and the Bake-Off Cinematic Universe

Florence Price made me all Gandalf-y

Lionfish and unsympathetic complaints

On rest and the ship of Theseus question

A singer-songwriter I am not

Mahler and Måneskin (and Boléro, somehow)

On the substitution problem and having correct opinions